Friday, September 14, 2007

NINE INCH NAILS Frontman Says His Record Company Is Run By 'Thieves'

From the article:

"It's a very odd time to be a musician on a major label, because there's so much resentment towards the record industry that it's hard to position yourself in a place with the fans where you don't look like a greedy asshole. But at the same time, when our record came out I was disappointed at the number of people that actually bought it."

Unless you used to work in the music industry, or have a great understanding of new media, it's often hard to understand why there is so much backlash against major record labels.

Trent Reznor manages to explain the problem - both from the perspective of being an artist - as well as music fan.

read more | digg story

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Google Lunar X PRIZE

The X PRIZE Foundation and Google Inc. today announced the Google Lunar X PRIZE, a robotic race to the Moon to win a remarkable $30 million prize purse. land a privately funded robotic rover on the Moon.

We have the technology; we've had it since 1969. Once the cold-war ended - and by extension, the Space Race - so too does it seem that real innovation in the area of space travel also slowed.

Yes, we have the ISS (International Space Station), but it's continued deterioration further underscores that NASA's mission has gone off-course and that the exploration of space greatly needs an infusion of new energy and new ideas.

The original Ansari X-Prize paved the way for the notion of "space tourism," by nurturing the concept of sub-orbital flight for the masses, which will hopefully be a reality within our lifetime. The Google Lunar X-Prize could do the same for civilian travel to the moon.

read more | digg story

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Netizens offer new take on news

A leading research house compared the news coverage and popularity from three user-edited news sites including Digg to the the traditional news media and found the two mediums to be radically different. The traditional news media tend to focus on issues such as war, immigration, finance. Web news is more interested on console wars or what Paris or Britney is up to.

The original article doesn't indicate that so called reader-aggregated news is replacing traditional journalism or for that matter, mainstream editorial decision making - but it does offer some interesting insight into the tastes and preferences of those who use the Internet as their main source of news.

read more | digg story

Monday, September 10, 2007

Album Artwork for iTunes

My geek-tendencies laid bare...

For some reason, music on my iPod just feels incomplete unless it's got artwork attached to it. Thanks to this web-site, now you can find FULL SIZE, hi-resolution artwork that you can attach to your songs in iTunes and in your iPod.

Check out this site:

Sure, iTunes will sometimes do this for you automatically, but not necessarily at this resolution. Now, you can enjoy these images in all their 1425 x 1425 glory. It's not a complete library, mind you - you're subject to what Apple has on file.

It seems like no matter what the format, vinyl LP, CD or digital file - the artwork will always matter in music.

Meanwhile the guys that designed the GORGEOUS cover to "Axis: Bold as Love" are rolling over in their graves.