Thursday, September 13, 2007

Google Lunar X PRIZE

The X PRIZE Foundation and Google Inc. today announced the Google Lunar X PRIZE, a robotic race to the Moon to win a remarkable $30 million prize purse. land a privately funded robotic rover on the Moon.

We have the technology; we've had it since 1969. Once the cold-war ended - and by extension, the Space Race - so too does it seem that real innovation in the area of space travel also slowed.

Yes, we have the ISS (International Space Station), but it's continued deterioration further underscores that NASA's mission has gone off-course and that the exploration of space greatly needs an infusion of new energy and new ideas.

The original Ansari X-Prize paved the way for the notion of "space tourism," by nurturing the concept of sub-orbital flight for the masses, which will hopefully be a reality within our lifetime. The Google Lunar X-Prize could do the same for civilian travel to the moon.

read more | digg story

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