Saturday, June 02, 2007

How to say Fuck You in Spanish

You've got to love diplomacy.
This was reported earlier today on

In response to Condoleeza Rice's call for a democratic transition in the communist nation of Cuba after the fall of Fidel Castro, president of the Cuban National Assembly Richard Alarcon said,

"I wish that some day there will be a democratic transition in the United States, that there will be a regime change in your country, a change from war to peace, a change from arrogance, and for this kind of interfering in everybody's affairs, and looking back a little bit at home and ... facing the real problems that Americans have."

Coma mierda, Condoleeza! Arriba!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Things that don't matter, but somehow do...

Incredible amounts of energy, effort, coverage and stress have been invested in the following nonsense today:

Lindsay Lohan and her D.U.I/return to rehab/21st birthday party.
Rosie O'Donnell's departure from "The View."

Meanwhile, Iraq war protester Cindy Sheehan decides to end her efforts... and gets labeled as an "attention whore" for it.

Excuse me?

Now, back to American Idol...

Monday, May 28, 2007

Happy Birthday to Jean

We celebrated Jean's birthday last Thursday in Vancouver with pints around 11AM... as you do.

Actually, it was just me drinkin' the pints. She never touches the Guinness. But in fairness, I did start the day with an hour of weights and cardio at the gym so I kind of earned it.

The Vortex

This was how I spent last Sunday in Atlanta preparing for a major presentation for the people who manage CNN's digital platforms. Cold shots of Wild Turkey and Shiner Bock beer from Texas. Yee-haw.